To register and access your account, please follow the instructions below.
- On your device, open Google Chrome. (Please do not use Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.)
- Go to and click Sign In.
- Using your credentials, enter your email address, then click Next.
- Credentials are sent to your enrolled personal email address on or before your first day of class. Check your personal email account for those credentials.
- If you need credentials, email
- Credentials are sent to your enrolled personal email address on or before your first day of class. Check your personal email account for those credentials.
- Enter your password, then click Sign In.
- You'll be asked for more information. Please press the Next button.
- You will then be asked for an authentication method.
Article: Reset Office365 MFA Method with Text Messaging
Featured Methods
Microsoft Autheticator App - You may download the Microsoft Authenticator app to securely sign in.
Another Authenticator App - You can use a third-party such as Google Authenticator to securely sign in.
If you choose Microsoft Authenticator, please follow the steps in the link provided below.
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