Unfortunately you're experiencing technical difficulties that will prevent you from starting the exam.
Your internet connection is not stable and cannot be used in its current state to take a secure exam.
Proctorio requires an uninterrupted connection to our servers to maintain exam integrity. Any loss of internet connection will result in a disconnection from the Proctorio servers.
Since WiFi connections can occasionally lose their signal, Proctorio recommends using an ethernet (wired) connection with a home or private internet while taking an exam.
If you don't have access to a wired connection, no worries!
Try these tips to establish a secure and consistent connection:
- When possible, ensure that other users on the network are not streaming video, downloading large files, or using a large amount of bandwidth.
- When possible, try moving closer to the router.
- Clear your Internet browser cache.
- Restart Your router/modem.
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